Everything we consume basically comes from one place, which is the kitchen. From processing food to consuming it, everything comes from the kitchen.
Healthy and clean food is certainly a top choice for families. In addition to nutritious food, we are also required to maintain the cleanliness of the place to process it so that the quality of the food is maintained. It’s such a shame if the nutritious food that we have cooked are contaminated due to unhygienic kitchen.
The kitchen can also be a place where germs and bacteria run rampant. The source can be from food waste or raw food that has not been processed. In addition, kitchen tools must also be cleaned thoroughly. To avoid contamination, what should we do?
Avoid the Use of Plastic Containers
As we know, plastic contains a chemical called BPA. If consumed excessively, BPA can carry diseases that can harm humans in the long run. To avoid this, it is better to replace plastic containers with glass containers to make it more hygienic. If you still need to use plastic containers when cooking, use it wisely. For example, don’t heat plastic container in the microwave.
Avoid Using Teflon
Many people choose to buy non-stick cook wares for easy cleaning. However, the fact is that using a non-stick pan is more dangerous to the body than a normal pan. PFOA chemicals contained in non-stick pans are thought to increase the risk of liver and pancreatic tumours. You should be more vigilant when buying cooking utensils.
Watch Out for Gas Leaks
One of the poisons that can be dangerous for your body is carbon monoxide. This substance is contained in the gas we normally use for cooking. Many of us are sometimes unaware of gas leaks, even though it’s only a small leak. The leaked carbon monoxide will mix with the air we breathe. This can affect human health and cause serious risks. Therefore, it is better to be more diligent to check the safety of your gas tanks!
Avoid Consuming Too Much Canned Food
Canned food in the form of ready to eat food is often consumed by many people. As with the use of plastic containers, tin containers are just as dangerous. Tin containers also contain BPA in them which can cause health problems in the human body.
Now, in addition to maintaining nutrition in food, it is also good to maintain the cleanliness and safety of the tools used to process food. This way, you can minimize harmful poisons in your kitchen that can harmful. Therefore, taking preventive measures to eliminate poisons in cooking utensils is also important.