In this day and age, clean water is quite easy to obtain. Technological progress makes it easier for us to get water that is suitable for consumption or use.
Polluted water seems to be rarely found, especially in big cities. Even so, the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Basuki Hadimuljono, urged the public to remain cautious about access to clean and healthy water. In addition, he also hopes that more people can get access to clean water.
As consumer, we also need to be careful about the quality of clean water that we use and drink. Some characteristics of clean, safe to consume water are: odourless, colourless, and tasteless. Clean water are readily available anywhere, through bottled water produced by various companies. But what about boiled water? Is it safe for consumption?
Boiled water in this situation means water sourced from tap that are boiled before consumed. Many households or food stalls in Indonesia use this method to get drinking water. Little did people know, boiled water are not necessarily safe for consumption.
The Dangers and Side Effects of Boiled Tap Water
There have been many studies that discuss the effects of boiled water. The University of Indonesia School of Public Health has conducted a research which says that boiling tap water does not guarantee that the water is 100% hygienic. Because, substances that are contained in water such as metals, will still settle in the water. While bacteria and viruses contained in the water dies when water is boiled, chemicals contents remains in the water, making it harmful to anyone who consumes it.
The risks posed by consuming boiled water that is unclean will also arise through various diseases. Regularly consuming this kind of water will increase the chance of contracting diseases such as diarrhoea and typhus. In 2013, Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) shows that the national prevalence for diarrhoea disease was 3.5%.
What kind of solution can be applied to replace boiled water? One of them is by using high-tech filter technology. For example, water filters utilizing UV ray technology, which can remove dirt, bacteria, viruses, and chemicals to produce fresh, safely drinkable water.
At present, many dispenser manufacturers have added water filtration technology into their products. One of them is Alva Water. In addition, this company also provides various types of dispenser products according to what you need. For more information, check out the full range of Alva Water products here.