Environmentally friendly lifestyle has been a huge trend in recent years. The issues of climate crisis and global warming is a major factor for many people to change their lifestyle in an environmentally friendly manner.
In addition to applying it at home, we can also implement an environmentally friendly lifestyle in the office. Even though it doesn’t look as easy as doing it at home, eco-friendly lifestyle can still be done when you’re working. What steps can you do to create greener office?
1. Reduce Paper Usage
Still using paper for presentations or important documents? Time to minimise this. Excessive use of paper has a very huge impact to global warming. To work around this, jot down important notes or documents digitally. In addition to reducing paper usage, it also minimizes the risk of losing important documents.
2. Reduce Electricity Usage
The use of electricity in the office is necessary to support everyday operational works, from the use of a laptop or computer, air conditioner, lights, water dispenser, to other electronic devices. Indeed, these things require a lot of electricity, but you can still optimizes the usage of these devices. Starting from turning off the lights if not needed, reducing unnecessary electricity, turning off air conditioner, and so forth. In addition, it can also be through small things like the use of a cellphone or laptop charger that can be turned off at any time when not in use.
3. Bring a Tumbler
Bringing your own container to drink is also quite efficient to conserve water and reduce waste. Instead of using disposable plastic bottles or glasses to drink water, you can use water tumbler. Not only helping in reducing plastic waste, you will spend less in everyday expenses.
4. Bring Your Own Coffee Mug
Oftentimes, people buy coffee with plastic packaging which can certainly increase the amount of plastic waste. You can help the environment by bringing your own coffee mug when you go to a coffee shop. As a plus, many coffee shops offer discounts to customers who bring their own mugs!
Starting an eco friendly life is actually not as difficult as imagined. Starting from the small things that we do every day, you can help contribute to saving the earth from climate crisis and global warming.